Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 27: Lessons from a Mad Man with Jerry Fletcher

Episode 27: Lessons from a Mad Man with Jerry Fletcher

What can a Mad Man teach us about advertising? Quite a bit, if that Mad Man is Jerry Fletcher. 

Jerry helps consultants, coaches and independent professionals build their brand. He earned his spurs, to use his phrase, on Madison Avenue back in the day, working for some of the largest agencies in the world, like J. Walter Thompson and Campbell Mithun. 

Some of those agencies may have been gobbled up by the holding company behemoths, but many of the lessons learned in the age of Don Draper are still quite relevant today. 

In fact, we may need some of those lessons more than ever.

Take new business, for instance. We’ve complicated the hell out of a process that at its core is about relationships and helping people. Jerry has mastered that art and shares his perspective during the show. 

Or how about training? You know that thing where you take people who don’t know things and help them learn those things so they can be better at their jobs? Jerry remembers when that was baked into the culture of every agency. Now, the only training you get is how to work the printer that’s always out of ink and requires a 37 digit passcode just to get your faded comps. 

Oh, and we talked about trust. Yes, in advertising. Or in brand building more broadly. How critical it is. How lacking it seems to be. And how unsurprising that is in an industry where a third of the people turn over every year. It’s tough to trust people you barely know. 

We dug into all this and more during our conversation. Jerry has a knack from breaking stuff down in a way that makes it super clear and super actionable. 

Take a listen. You won’t be mad that you did. 

You can follow Jerry on LinkedIn. And check out his site at (link in comments), where he breaks down the keys to brand building in simple, concrete steps. 

Speaking of concrete, my website (link in comments) is also pretty solid. You should check it out. And if you want a more solid understanding your business or career, let’s set up a free 30-minute “what the heck is coaching all about” call. 

Do me a solid and have a great day, everyone!

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #coaching #branding #messaging #advertising #madmen #newbusiness 

Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.