Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 35: Giving work a much needed kick in the pants with Erin Hatzikostas

Episode 35: Giving work a much needed kick in the pants with Erin Hatzikostas

What does it mean to be authentic at work? 

And more importantly, what difference does it make? 

Turns out, it makes a huge difference. It reduces turnover. People at companies where authenticity is always practiced are over 2x more likely to stay at their company vs. those where it's never practiced.

It builds trust. People at authentic companies are 4x more likely to say there's a high level of trust.

It travels with you. Employees under authentic leadership are 6x more likely to follow them if they went elsewhere.

These are the results from research led by today’s DesuckifyWork™ Podcast guest, Erin Hatzikostas. Erin is a failed actuary turned CEO turned founder of b Authentic inc. She’s the best-selling author of You Do You(ish), with a new book—The 50% Rule—coming later this year. 

Oh, and she’s authentic af, as the kids say. Funny, quirky and smart as hell. And her POV on authenticity is one we all need to hear:

Authenticity matters when it’s in the service of others. To lift them up. So we can do what’s needed vs. what’s normal. 

Authenticity can be bite sized. Experiment with it in lower risk situations. You’ll be surprised how much impact it has. 

Authenticity is contagious. A few experiments and you may just shift an entire culture. 

That’s what Erin did as CEO. And what she’s helping clients do every day in her own business. 

Let’s join her, shall we?


You can follow Erin on LinkedIn. And check out her site at If you spend 30 seconds soaking in her story and don’t feel lighter, more confident and ready to shake things up, then you should spend at least 30 more until it really clicks. 

While we’re on the subject, how about clicking on the links to my site and my substack newsletter? We’ve got the content you need to start shaking things up in your creative career or at your agency. If you’d like to get taste, let’s set up a free half-hour desuckified discovery call

Bye, everyone!

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #coaching #authenticity #authenticityatwork #leadership 

Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.