Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 42: Creating true community at work with Angela Stopper

Episode 42: Creating true community at work with Angela Stopper

The return to office movement is BS. 

Not because going back to the office is a bad thing. It can be wonderful.

But because leaders have gaslit their teams, saying it’s all about creating community and connection. 

Sorry, but putting people side by side answering emails all day is not community. 

That’s just one of the many brilliant bits of insight from today’s guest on the DesuckifyWork™ podcast, Angela Stopper

Angela is the Chief Learning Officer at UC Berkeley. Yes, that UC Berkeley—the top public university in the nation. 

We talk about the need to actively cultivate community in the workplace. And how that can happen in-office or remotely.

We explore how our career paths are no longer straight lines, but more like a treasure map, with twists and turns and multiple x-es marking the spots where we can find joy and meaning along the way. 

And we discuss how organizations can position themselves to be a helpful stop on that journey. Being more flexible is a great first step. Creating a culture where every person is seen, valued and encouraged to speak from their unique experience is where things get really juicy. 

We cover so much good stuff during this conversation, thanks to Angela’s brilliance. So let’s dive in. 

You can follow Angela on LinkedIn—she’s the only Angela Stopper in the system as far as we can tell, so she should be easy to find.

You know what else are easy to find? My site and my substack newsletter. Both are filled with desuckified bits of wit and wisdom. Want more than just a few bits? Let’s set up a free half-hour desuckified discovery session

If you enjoyed the episode, please like, share, rate, review, subscribe or consider hacking into LinkedIn’s servers and replacing all mentions of “crushing it” with a photo of Buford in a DesuckifyWork™ onesie. 

Bye, everyone!

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #coaching #executivecoaching #alternatecareerpaths #communityatwork #returntooffice

Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.