Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 46: Figuring out what's next with Jordan Atlas

Episode 46: Figuring out what's next with Jordan Atlas

What does the ad agency of tomorrow look like?

If you think you know, you’re probably wrong.

If you think you’d like to help figure it out, you should talk to Jordan Atlas, today’s guest on the DesuckifyWork™ podcast. 

Jordan’s been figuring stuff out before most of us, for the past 20+ years. He got curious about digital, before digital became everything. He moved across the country with his wife and a 3 month old. And he dove into the world of earned media as a creative as his friends looked on with a mix of confusion and concern. 

It all worked out pretty damn well. 

And now, well now Jordan’s about to embark on a new adventure. Details TBD. But you can be sure it will be something worth watching and learning from. 

What’d we learn during our conversation? 

🐱 We learned that It’s possible to focus on great work while also focusing on a great work experience. 

🐱 We learned that we need to recognize the value creatives bring beyond the awards and high profile projects. 

🐱 And we learned that if we want to keep learning, especially in an age of AI and rapid technological change, we need to become more experimental. To become less focused on tactics and more on a POV. To become open to just about anything and less attached to the way things are right now. 

How do we do all that? It starts by creating a world where there is more transparency and more inclusion when it comes to solving big problems. We need everyone to make this work. And we need all that they can bring. 

Jordan sure brings a lot to this episode. So let’s dive in. 

You can follow Jordan on LinkedIn. And reach out at if you like connecting with kind, generous and thoughtful humans. 

This human has thoughts as well. And you can check them out on my site and my Substack newsletter. If you like how things sound, let’s take the thinking deeper during a free half hour strategy session

If you enjoyed the episode, please like, share, rate, review, subscribe or consider traveling back in time to convince your parents to rename you “I love the DesuckifyWork™ Podcast” so you can repeat that lovely mantra every time you meet someone. Royalties for your efforts are negotiable. 

Bye, everyone!

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #adagencyoftomorrow #futureofwork #executivecoaching #advertising #adagencies 

Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.