Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 47: Reclaiming our dignity at work with George Tannenbaum

Episode 47: Reclaiming our dignity at work with George Tannenbaum

If you get a chance to bring George Tannenbaum on your podcast, you do it. And if you’re smart, you keep him on the line for as long as possible. 

I’m feeling pretty wise right about now. And you will too after watching or listening to this nearly 2-hour conversation with the most prolific human in advertising. 

George has opinions on a lot of things and he shares a bunch during this episode. 

🐱 Not surprisingly, he offers a strong rebuke of the holding company model, saying they have industrialized the ad business and stripped agencies of their distinctiveness. As historically important names like Young and Rubicam, J Walter Thompson, Wunderman and others get memory holed, it’s hard not to see his point. 

🐱 He reminds us of the importance of brand platforms or epigrams. When it absolutely, positively, has to be there overnight. The relentless pursuit of perfection. We try harder. You don’t see this kind of stake in the ground taken much anymore. Today, the brand that seems to have the most faith in this approach is one of the most controversial, selling not cars or shipping services, but a political movement raking in 80 grand a day on red baseball cap sales. 

🐱 Most importantly, George reminds us that the dignity of work and being paid fairly for that work (something he speaks at length about) stems from a simple and beautiful truth laid plain in an iconic photo from the civil rights era. The phrase, “I am a man,” displayed on a simple white sign with red lettering, held by striking sanitation workers in Memphis, in 1968. Four short words that said everything. And still do. Each human, worthy of respect, dignity and a paycheck that reflects both. 

Strip away the gendered language and the message today is as clear as it was nearly 60 years ago. We are all worthy. And we are each worth more than what that doubting voice inside our head tells us. The more frequently we can remember that, the more chance we have of taking the suck out of work. 

Two hours with George is like a masterclass in desuckification. So let’s get started, shall we?

You can follow George on LinkedIn. And his blog is an absolute must-read. You should check out his portfolio and company sites too. 

His work is fantastic. But it’s his POV that makes George, George. And it’s what people are paying for when they hire him at rates many would be afraid to even say out loud. Agencies could do well to remember that. 

Agencies should also remember to check out my site and my substack newsletter. I’ve got my own POV on how we can make work suck less and mean more. Wanna find out what that can mean for your agency? Let’s explore during a free half hour strategy session

If you enjoyed the episode, please like, share, rate, review, subscribe or consider opening a fast-food franchise called DesuckiFried Chicken and becoming the official sponsor of this show. 

Bye, everyone!

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #iamaman #dignityatwork #branding  #executivecoaching #advertising #adagencies 

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Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.