Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 57: Unlocking human potential with Julie Jungalwala

Episode 57: Unlocking human potential with Julie Jungalwala

Two thirds of the global workforce is disengaged. That’s about 2.3 billion people feeling “meh” or much worse about their work. The cost of that disengagement is about $9 trillion, annually. 

Good thing we don’t have any significant problems to deal with that could benefit from some of that lost cash. 

If we did, we might pay more attention to those engagement numbers. Maybe even make a big deal out of them. Put them front and center in our political debates, perhaps. Ha, a fellow can dream, right?

Or we could do what Julie Jungalwala is doing. Julie has made it her mission to unlock human potential, so we can take on the immense challenges we face in the world and help all of us feel more connected to and fulfilled by our work. 

Easy, right?

Well, Julie has some pretty awesome ideas on how to make this happen. And we dove into a whole slew of them on this week’s episode of the DesuckifyWork® podcast:

🐱 First, embrace your inner scientist—be curious, run small experiments, and make choices based on your learnings, even if they feel uncomfortable at first. This builds the muscle to take bigger steps towards the work you truly want to do. 

🐱 Second, be vulnerable, especially if you’re a leader. Talk about areas where you are seeking growth so you invite others to feel safe doing the same. 

🐱 And third, help your team connect the dots between the work they do and the organization's broader vision and strategy. When people understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture, they go all-in, and that energy is infectious. 

Julie dives into all of this and so much more during our conversation. I came away feeling inspired and energized about the future we can create together. I think you will too. 

You can follow Julie on LinkedIn. And keep an eye out for her soon to be launched site, It will be amazing, because Julie is amazing.

I think my site and my substack newsletter are pretty amazing as well. I’m on a mission to make work suck less and I’d love for you to join me. Want to make that desuckification happen ASAP? Let’s set up a free half hour coaching session

If you enjoyed the episode, please like, share, rate, review, subscribe or consider hitching a ride on one of Elon’s rockets and beaming this show towards the galaxies with the highest likelihood of life. We’re underperforming with our alien audiences right now and could use some help. 

Bye, everyone!

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Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.