A hearty, desuckified welcome back to Judy Cirullo, who previously shared her wisdom on episode 13 of the DesuckifyWork® podcast.
She’s here today to talk about something that many of us spend a lot of energy trying to avoid—difficult conversations. Judy is an expert on this topic—as the founder of Grow Strong Teams she helps business owners and execs create cultures rooted in trust and accountability.
If you’re resisting having a tough conversation with someone at work, this is a must listen. Judy will show you the way.
MicroPod Guest: Judy Cirullo
MicroPod Focus: Having Difficult Conversations
MicroPod Insight: Hard conversations are hard. But not having them makes work a lot harder.
To watch on YouTube, please click here.
#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #executivecoaching #difficultconversations
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