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Let's get more creative with creative hiring

I spoke with Dan Nelken for this week’s DesuckifyWork® podcast and we touched on an unfortunate reality.

Creatives rarely get to bring all of themselves into a role, unless the stars align perfectly.

🐱 Right Agency
🐱 Right Client
🐱 Right Time

I think we can do better. And it starts with hiring. We often hire the person with the best portfolio. You’ve done killer work somewhere else, of course it will work here as well.

But that’s bullshit.

We need to dig deeper. To look at the whole person.

🐱 What are they passionate about?
🐱 What drives them?
🐱 What experiences have they had?
🐱 What do they know, outside of what shows up on their website?

We’ve gotten away from the term “cultural fit” in recent years, and with good reason. We don’t want to create bubbles of conformity and exclusion. But what about fit for the role? Will this human being thrive amid the peculiarities of your process? Will they become obsessed with the things your client is obsessed with? Will they use that obsession as fuel to challenge the current thinking you’re brining to the work?

I’ll admit it, I’m a dreamer. I love to imagine what’s possible, even in the face of hard realities. But I’ve also spent 25+ years working my butt off to make those dreams real. And I’ve had a fair amount of success.

Probably because I was fortunate to have a few folks look beyond my own portfolio and see me. All of me. And that allowed me to thrive.

I’d like to help make that a reality for as many folks as I can. Call me if you’d like to do the same for your agency.

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #executivecoaching #advertising #adagency #hiring #creatives

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Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.