Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 45: Reclaim your swagger with Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo

Episode 45: Reclaim your swagger with Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo

Has the ad industry lost its swagger? 

All indications say yes. We devalue our product (commodity pricing), we struggle to differentiate our agencies (most seem interchangeable) and we have spent so many years chasing so many trends it’s not even clear what we actually do anymore. 

It’s tough to show up with any level of confidence when those things are true. 

But what if we could get our swagger back? Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo, today’s guest on the DesuckifyWork™ podcast can help.

She literally wrote the book on it—Claim Your Swagger: Stop Surviving and Start Thriving. It’s basically an instruction manual for living a life of self-awareness, strength and resilience. And it should probably be required reading for agency leaders. 

Because surviving (barely) is what we’re doing right now. And if we want to have more of the Ps every business loves—productivity, performance and profit—we should start with the Ps at the core of Jennifer’s work: patience, practice and perseverance. 

Then we can reclaim our swagger, using this handy acronym:

🐱 SW - Self worth

🐱 A - Appreciation for your strengths and limitations

🐱 G - Gratitude for how your life experiences have helped shape who you are

🐱 G- Grounded in your core values

🐱 E - Empowered to overcome your self limiting beliefs

🐱 R - Renewed through a greater focus on your passion and purpose

It’s not magic—it’s hard work. Which is something we’re actually quite good at. We work our butts off. Wouldn’t it be nice to get more of a reward for it?

Listen to Jennifer. She’ll show you the way. One letter at a time. 

You can follow Jennifer on LinkedIn. And check out her site at It’s loaded with good stuff to help you put a little sass in your step. 

My site and my substack newsletter are pretty sassy too. Check ‘em out if you can. Want to press fast forward on the desuckification process? Let’s set up a free half hour strategy session

If you enjoyed the episode, please like, share, rate, review, subscribe or consider concocting a cologne that smells like happiness and bacon and whenever someone asks what’s that delicious scent you’re wearing you whisper, “desuckification.” 

Bye, everyone!

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #claimyourswagger #leadyourlife #executivecoaching #advertising #adagencies 

Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.