Desuckify Work™ Podcast
Episode 41: Remembering we all must die with Jodi Wellman

Episode 41: Remembering we all must die with Jodi Wellman

We’re all gonna die. 

This is the good news brought to us by Jodi Wellman, today’s guest on the DesuckifyWork™ podcast. 

Jodi is an author, speaker and all around fascinating human. And she’s here to tell us why the grim reaper is your new best friend.

When you let Mr. Reaper into your life, everything gets better. You live more deeply, with more purpose, have more fun, try new things. 

You embrace the fact that you only get about 4,000 Mondays in this life and you damn sure want most of them to not suck. It’s the spirit of “memento mori,” or “remember you must die.” And it’s invigorating. 

You realize that spending the next 100 or so Mondays in pointless meetings will not fill you with joy and vitality, so you decide to make a change to an agency with a saner culture. (They exist, I swear, I’ve talked to many of them).

You suspect that having a boss who never truly sees you is less than ideal, so you start networking to find someone who isn’t blind to your brilliance. 

And maybe, you discover that putting all of your hopes for a delicious life into your career is unrealistic so you start doing all kinds of fun and meaningful non-work stuff which, ironically, makes work more fulfilling since you’re not putting undue pressure on it to be the source of all the good feelings, ever. 

Yep, good ol’ Grim can do all of that for each of us. And so much more.

I bet you’re dying to find out, right? Right? 

Okay, here’s Jodi. 

You can follow Jodi on LinkedIn. And check out her site at It’s such a fun site, you will love it I’m sure. You also need to check out her book, You Only Die Once, which somehow makes thinking about your own demise an absolute hoot. 

If you give a hoot about making ad agency life less suck-filled, you should check out my site and my substack newsletter. Feeling extra hoot-y? Let’s set up a free half hour desuckified discovery session. 

If you enjoyed the episode, please like, share, rate, review, subscribe or consider getting a pair of our cushioned-bottom DesuckifyWork™ socks from our website. 

Bye, everyone!

#desuckifyworkpodcast #desuckifywork #wereallgonnadie #livewithpurpose #coaching #advertising #executivecoaching 

Desuckify Work™ Podcast
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? Let’s destroy the fallacy that business should not be fun. And let’s discover together that laughter, levity and a little lightheartedness are the secret to making work feel less like work and more like living.