Sitemap - 2012 - DesuckifyWork™

It doesn't get any easier

Today's obsession: Faces drawn onto maps

Routine breeds creativity

An Office Space Odyssey

7 Unusual Things Great Bosses Do

Distinctions without a difference

Time for a life swap?

Today's Obsession: Sculptures cut from a single piece of paper

Today's obsession: 3D chalk art featuring "Sluggo"

It's not all in our control, thankfully.

Facebook. It's really not that bad, is it?

Creating more options for creatives

Great campaign for Science World

Be smart. Think less.

What he said

Today's obsession: A water tower becomes a home

We must be idiots

Wise words from a (young) old soul

Fun + Fear = Victory

Bic to introduce 'babe-friendly' line of lighters

Show me what you've got.

Today's obsession: The Incredible Hand Crafted Art of Kyle Bean

Less is not actually less

Today's obsession: Famous Paintings Recreated Using Wood Wrapped in Colorful Newsprint

Californicate your brain

Does Apple want to be like everyone else now?

Today's Obsession: Ridiculous Staircases

From Talent Zoo: Why creative briefs suck

Today's obsession: Castle made from paper

What I'll miss (and what I won't)

Dogs can make you a better worker

Slow it down

Number 23?

A musical break

Feelin' foxy

We are not rational. And that's okay.

Words of wisdom from a former president

More on the agency talent roller coaster

Is high agency turnover a bad thing?

These dogs get it

Ditch the writer/AD partnership for the generalist/specialist one?

Be kind

The power of a brilliant line

Some funny rants from Deutsch LA

Shiny happy cringey

Today's obsession: Landscapes carved into books

The golden arches or the golden arcs?

Today's obsession: Portraits made with a single sewing thread wrapped through nails.

Pinterest - Girly distraction or creative sparkplug?

Is different good?

ILLITERALLY - the morning after

This is pure gold


This is an ad

Wise words from Nate the Great

Now, this is progress

Kudos to Howard

Rediscover your inner Don Draper

We are not normal. Good.

Moving beyond cynicism

People are interesting

Hater keeps on hatin'

There's more than one 'right' way to manage

Do you believe?

Know when to fold 'em

Work less, do more

More than advertising

To tease or not to tease?

Alive and kicking

You know you love it

Copy isn't dead and here's copy that proves it.

A little dose of sanity

Introversion is not a disease.


Do you work at one of the 'best' agencies?

Go into advertising

Should you stay or should you go?

You're literally not getting it

Banksy, beaten

Productivity isn't all about hard work

We're not having a conversation

Advertising: It's almost like working

You can go your own way

Today's Obsession: Time-Lapse Tilt-Shift Portrait of California

Interviewing made easier

The d-bag tipping point

Better to be polarizing than boring

And the winner is?

And the winner is?

Super Bowl Predictions

It's who you know, you know?

When your feelings get hurt, don't take it out on your career

The myth that work-life balance is a myth

Back to life, back to reality

When your feelings get hurt, don't take it out on your career

Chaos and creativity: friend or foe?

Is it just a job for you?

An unhealthy dose of cynicism

The Best Ads of 2011 (or, stuff I liked)

We're all the same (pretty much)

Time to take back advertising?

Do agencies hate collaboration?

Are ad schools worth it? A discussion.

The dark side of Black Friday

A little less whine this Thanksgiving

Celebrities don't get social media

Time to get paid

The spice of agency life

What the occupy movement means for Madison Ave

Manvertising gone wild

Death is a teacher

Half-assed recruiting leads to half-assed talent

Life will go on

Job hunting should be creative too

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Don't go to museums for inspiration (unless you want to)

Stalkers welcome

Act like you give a shit

You don't know me

Stop dreaming of the perfect job

Long live the king

Children of the scorn